Sunday, December 9, 2012

Weeks 23 through 25!

So, this is a lot more difficult to keep up with than I had originally thought. I do ok with the pictures and everything, but actually getting them posted is a whole different ballgame. Thanks for sticking with me!

23 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a spaghetti squash! I didn't get a belly picture thins week.
How far along: 23 weeks.
Total weight gain: I can tell it's going up!
Maternity clothes: They're becoming more of a necessity at this point, but I can still squeeze into some of my normal pants

Sleep: Bought a Snoogle when we were at Babies R Us. Hopefully it will make things more comfortable.
Stretch marks: They're definitely there
Best moment of the week: Spending Saturday in Lexington with hubby registering. It was so fun, and kind of surreal!

Miss anything: Not missing anything at the moment

Movement: Getting wigglier every day! I'm even detecting some daily patterns.

Food Craving: Still nothing specific. I'm beginning to think that won't really happen for me.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I haven't eaten recently enough.

Have you started to show yet: Getting there.

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Emotions are sometimes a little heightened, but nothing out of control
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving next week! It's my favorite holiday!

24 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of an ear of corn!
 How far along: 24 weeks.
Total weight gain: I probably gained 10 pounds from Thanksgiving food alone!
Maternity clothes: Wore my BeBand for the first time to make my regular pants last a little longer. I like it, I think.

Sleep: I haven't quite mastered the Snoogle, but I think it will help
Stretch marks: Getting stretchier all the time.
Best moment of the week: Celebrating Thanksgiving with my extended family! We only get to see them once a year, so it's a pretty big deal.

Miss anything: Can't say that I am

Movement: I love it so much!

Food Craving: I've eaten pretty much everything I've come across this week =P
Anything making you queasy or sick: Feeling good

Have you started to show yet: It depends on the day, but she still seems to like to be close to my spine

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been pretty happy this week, but I was definitely in need of a little vacation
Looking forward to: Our next appointment next week! I have a whole list of questions to ask our midwife about the birth. 

25 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a cauliflower!
 How far along: 25 weeks.
Total weight gain: According to my most recent weigh in, I'm up about 8 pounds from my last visit!
Maternity clothes: I'm now to the point where I can't wear my regular pants without the BeBand and I pretty much live in sweats at home.

Sleep: I've created a pillow fortress for myself and it seems to be helping =P
Stretch marks: As you can see, I definitely have them. Unfortunately, I'm not going to have the beautiful smooth prego belly, but I can appreciate it.
Best moment of the week: Hearing that heart beat again! 145 bpm

Miss anything: Not having to worry about peeing when I sneeze, maybe?

Movement: Oh yes! I'm beginning to be able to see and feel it from the outside. I keep trying to get hubby to catch it, but he hasn't been able to yet.

Food Craving: Still nothing
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the idea of how fast this all seems to be going!

Have you started to show yet: More and more! Is it weird that I want to have a big huge belly?

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think frustration is the main thing that I notice more of.
Looking forward to: Getting the crib! We ordered it the other day and just have to wait for it to be delivered to the store. Also looking forward to getting into the Christmas spirit! We should be putting out tree up soon!

I've been thinking about labor and delivery quite a bit lately, and I guess I must be weird because it's actually something I'm excited about. I know it's going to be the most painful thing I've ever felt, but at this point I have no fear about it. I'm excited to go through the process that will bring my daughter into the world!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Weeks 20 through 22!

So, I'm really bad about keeping this up to date! Here's another installment.

20 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a mango!

How far along: 20 weeks.
Total weight gain: Honestly feeling about the same. The only time I check my weight is at the doctor =P
Maternity clothes: Started wearing some of the pants my sister gave me. I can still wear my regular pants, but they
re not quite as comfy.
Sleep: Meh
Stretch marks: I have a couple definite new ones, but really nothing major
Best moment of the week: Realize those strange tummy bubbles are fo
realz baby wiggles! Totally amazing!
Miss anything: I
m felling pretty good
Movement: Yes indeed! Not a ton, but that
s definitely baby Im feeling =]
Food Craving: Nothing specific, but I want what I want when I want it
Anything making you queasy or sick: Haven
t really felt sick in a while
Have you started to show yet: There
s a baby bump, but other people cant really tell
Gender: We find out next week and I CAN
Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think I get flustered a little more easily.
Looking forward to: Our appointment next week and our gender reveal party! It
s going to be crazy to put a him or her to our little peanut!

21 Weeks!

I had some technical difficulties and accidentally deleted this weeks photos! But Baby Owens is the size of a cantaloup!!

 How far along: 21 weeks.
Total weight gain: I have gained about a pound since my last appointment. I feel like I
m not gaining anything, but the doctor doesnt seem concerned. I guess I should feel lucky! The little bit of weight I have gained is in my belly and not everywhere else, which is blessing =]
Maternity clothes: Same old. I need to go shopping for some good fitting pants.
Sleep: Not sleeping the best. I
m not sure how much is pregnancy and how much is just the way Im wired. Ive never been a great sleeper.
Stretch marks: They
re still there =P
Best moment of the week: Seeing our amazing baby in 3D! Totally unexpected, incredibly to see a real, precious face! And our gender reveal, of course =]
Miss anything: Nothing right now
Movement: We have a wiggle worm. I
m still not feeling a ton, but we saw lots of movement on the ultrasound.
Food Craving: Still no wacky cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: I
m thinking that time has passed, Praise Jesus!
Have you started to show yet: Depending on the day (and the shirt) there
s a definite little bump there.
Gender: IT
S A GIRL! A sweet beautiful baby girl! Hubby couldnt wait for the party and snuck a peek on Thursday, but I held out and was surprised. Granddaughter number 5 for his parents. They were all rooting for a boy =P
Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I
m kind of over the moon right now, but I still have my moody moments
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery cleaned out and ready.

22 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a Eggplant!
How far along: 22 weeks.
Total weight gain: Haven
t weighed since the last appointment. Feeling about the same
Maternity clothes: Wearing the maternity pants my sister gave more and more, and definitely need to go find some that really fit well. Gotta wait until pay day!
Sleep: About the same. I would like more of it!
Stretch marks: Same. It seems weird that I have new since since I
m not really showing at all. I guess theres a lot more going on than what it looks like.
Best moment of the week: Seeing my pretty sister compete in the Miss WHHS Pageant. She was a finalist! I also got to spend some time with family and have lots of cuddles with my sweet niece, Clara.
Miss anything: Seriously wouldn
t trade this for anything!
Movement: Quite a bit more. Apparently she is a fan of Mariah Carey =P
Food Craving: Still no real cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: Sickness is still staying away!
Have you started to show yet: I think she
s growing fast now. More people can tell.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: The mood seems to be a little more in check.
Looking forward to: Registering!

In other news, hubby and I have settled on the perfect name! We cant wait to introduce the world to miss Evelyn Mae Owens!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Weeks 14 through 19!

Seriously behind, but I'm back on track!

14 Weeks!
Baby Owens is the size of a peach!

How far along: 14 weeks.
Total weight gain: I'm still below my pre-pregnant weight
Maternity clothes: I'm still holding out

Sleep: It's a rollercoaster
Stretch marks: The pre-existing ones are getting a little...stretchier
Best moment of the week: There hasn't really been anything going on this week
Miss anything: Energy!
Movement: I can't tell! I feel things, but I don't know if they're baby or gas =P
Food Craving:
I mainly want salty/savory things
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still not wanting sweet things, but nothing in particular seems to set me off
Have you started to show yet: Still just looking kind of chunky
Gender: Don't know yet, and I really don't have any inclinations either way
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Same
Happy or Moody most of the time: Increasing moodiness, for sure

Looking forward to:The promised decrease in nausea and tiredness of the second trimester!

15 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a pear!

How far along: 15 weeks.
Total weight gain: I feel like a cow, but I really have gained anything back yet
Maternity clothes: I ordered some leggings, but they haven
t come in yet. Still in my regular clothes.
Sleep: Not great, but not bad
Stretch marks: They
re there, but nothing too serious
Best moment of the week:
Miss anything: My memory?
Movement: Not sure
Food Craving: Nothing specific
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular, but I
ve started experiencing metal mouth
Have you started to show yet: I
m feeling fluffy, but not actually showing
Gender: TBD
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Business as usual. Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: More and more moodiness!

Looking forward to:
The cooler weather!!

16 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of an avacado!

How far along: 16 weeks.
Total weight gain: I haven
t really weighed myself. I think Ive maybe gone up a pound or so from my last doctor visit
Maternity clothes: I ordered some Maternity leggings from the Gap and they are sooooo comfy!
Sleep: Kind of restless, but doing ok
Stretch marks: They
re creeping in
Best moment of the week: Singing with my little sister and choir from my high school at homecoming. So fun, but I felt so old!
Miss anything: Meh, not really.
Movement: Maybe?
Food Craving: Nothing specific. I do love food!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the same as usual.
Have you started to show yet: Maybe a little feelin
Gender: We
re supposed to schedule the ultrasound at our next appointment!
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting a little grumpier, but mainly just at work =P
Looking forward to: Our next appointment next Thursday!

17 Weeks!

Didn't get this weeks picture done, but Baby Owens is the size of a Naval Orange!

How far along: 17 weeks.
Total weight gain: I
ve gained a little of what I lost back, but still under my pre-preggo weight
Maternity clothes: My sister gave me a big bucket of them. Yay for hand-me-downs! Most of the pants are too short though =[
Sleep: Haven
t been sleeping well, but mostly because the puppy has been refusing to sleep in his cage.
Stretch marks: Seeing them a little bit more. I keep forgetting to use my lotion
Best moment of the week: Hearing baby
s heartbeat again! A strong 159! And participating in a dear friends looooong awaited wedding. A very special day =]
Miss anything: Not really right now.
Movement: I still can
t tell for sure, but I think I may be feeling little flutters
Food Craving: Really no particular cravings right now
Anything making you queasy or sick: Same old...
Have you started to show yet: I think I might kind of look like I have a little bit of a baby belly now
Gender: We should find out on Nov 3rd!
Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: In, as usual.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Much more irritable. I
m finding it hard to discern if its justified or just hormones.
Looking forward to: The birth of my pseudo-nephew!! My BFF is due to be induced on Wednesday!

18 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a sweet potato!

How far along: 18 weeks.
Total weight gain: I
think I'm still about the same, but I haven't weighed
Maternity clothes: Incorporating some of the maternity stuff. It's comfy!
Sleep: Not a lot of comfortable sleep.

Stretch marks: I'm afraid they're inevitable
Best moment of the week:
Getting to spend some time with my best friend and meeting sweet baby Carter!
Miss anything: My "get up and go." I'm not used to not being able to run around like I used to.
Movement: I still can't tell!

Food Craving: Still the same
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm starting to feel better, but still have my moments
Have you started to show yet: Some days more than others
Gender: Waiting (not so) patiently to find out!
Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: In, as usual.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Tiredness brings out the worst in me!

Looking forward to: Actually beginning to show! I don't want to rush things, but I want to look pregnant =P

19 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a grapefruit! (Is it just me or does last week's sweet potato look bigger than this week's grapefruit?)

How far along: 19 weeks.
Total weight gain: I still feel about the same

Maternity clothes: Same old
Sleep: Waking up A LOT! Not fun...

Stretch marks: Not too bad, but still stretchin' away
Best moment of the week:
Sending out the invitations for our "Gender Reveal Party!" I'm so excited!
Miss anything: Energy. I thought it was supposed to come back a little bit!
Movement: I'm pretty sure I'm feeling little nudges

Food Craving: Still nothing specific
Anything making you queasy or sick: I haven't had to take my medicine in a week!
Have you started to show yet: I little bit
Gender: Only 2 weeks left!
Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: In, as usual.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: The moods are getting more swing-y

Looking forward to: Continuing to feel better!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

12 &13 Weeks!

Again...a little behind. Sorry!

12 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a plum!

How far along: 12 weeks.
Total weight gain: I keep meaning to weigh myself, but I forget
Maternity clothes: Same, but I
m ready to start shopping
Sleep: Always so sleepy!
Stretch marks: Same
Best moment of the week: Doing some thrifty Craigslist shopping. May have secured a glider for $35!
Miss anything: Nothing new. Just wishing I felt better (same!)
Movement: Nothing yet
Food Craving: I
ve noticed that bland foods make me sick so Ive been eating pizza and burritos
Anything making you queasy or sick: bland things like toast and soup and sweet stuff still sounds yucky
Have you started to show yet: Looking chubbier
Gender: Another baby boy dream =]
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Same
Happy or Moody most of the time: Increased tired moodiness. I need to make more time for sleep
Looking forward to: The long weekend. I can sleep as much as I want!!

 13 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a kiwi!

How far along: 13 weeks.
Total weight gain: Apparently, I've actually lost 7 pounds
Maternity clothes: Definitely need to get some

Sleep: Still, never enough
Stretch marks: Same
Best moment of the week: Saw baby again! So much bigger, and I saw a kick!
Miss anything: Not really
 Movement: Nothing yet
Food Craving: No specific cravings, really.

Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing in particular, but I ended up getting some nausea medicine from the doctor
Have you started to show yet: I can tell a difference in the pictures!
Gender: TBD, no dreams recently
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Same
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think I am getting a little more irritable.
Looking forward to: Being able to really get the nursery together!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Playing Catch Up

So, lots of changes in life since last I blogged. Since all of my readers are also Facebook friends (or at least I think you are o_O), you will all know the exciting news of the soon to be Baby Owens! I have decided to document this pregnancy as thoroughly as possible with pictures and a short "questionnaire" of sorts. Hubby and I have known about our little bean for awhile now, but we've been documenting the whole way, so now it's time for me to play a little catch-up and get you all up to speed on the life in my uterus.

Check out weeks 6 through 11! (I may end up having to edit the number of weeks, as we haven't been able to nail down a precise due date yet.)

 6 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of lentil bean! (but that actually a pinto bean, because that's what I had on hand)

How far along: 6 weeks.
Total weight gain: nothing I
ve noticed
Maternity clothes: It
s a little early for that!
Sleep: Nothing out of the ordinary
Stretch marks: Nothing new. Taking steps to hopefully prevent them!
Best moment of the week: Finding out about our little surprise!! And seeing husband
s face when he opened his gift =]
Miss anything: Nothing has really changed at this point
Movement: Nope, not for awhile, I
m sure
Food Craving: Just food in general. I
m so hungry!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not yet
Have you started to show yet: No =]
Gender: Won
t know for awhile
Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: In, as usual.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: SO HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Telling our parents (and other family, and friends, and EVERYONE!)

Hubby's surprise! That's the test wrapped up with it.

7 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of blueberry!

How far along: 7 weeks.
Total weight gain: Still nothing. My weight always fluctuates by a few pounds depending on the day
Maternity clothes: Feeling a little bloated, but I think maternity clothes are a ways off
Sleep: Everything still seems pretty normal
Stretch marks: Still nothing new. Still trying to prevent!
Best moment of the week: Telling our parents and a few close friends! The look on my dad
s face was priceless!
Miss anything: I
m excited about everything at this point!
Movement: Nope
Food Craving: Still just hungry.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Have you started to show yet: Not yet
Gender: Still won
t know for awhile
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Business as usual. Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our first prenatal appointment, but it
s so far away! Scheduled for August 16th. Hubbys birthday!

8 Weeks!
Baby Owens is the size of a raspberry!

How far along: 8 weeks.
Total weight gain: Still nothing.
Maternity clothes: Still bloated
Sleep: Having trouble getting comfortable
Stretch marks: Still nothing new. Still trying to prevent!
Best moment of the week: Telling more friends. I love the reactions!
Miss anything: Sleeping well and being able to plan meals in advance. (I never know what will sound good!)
Movement: Nope
Food Craving: Spicy/savory things
Anything making you queasy or sick: Sweet things, which is weird because I
ve always had a big sweet tooth!
Have you started to show yet: I
m feeling fluffy, but not actually showing
Gender: TBD
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Business as usual. Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy, just tired and don
t feel so good
Looking forward to: Going public! This secret is hard to keep, but we
re waiting until our appointment.

9 Weeks!
Baby Owens is the size of a grape! (and my shirt is a little more see-through than I thought...)
How far along: 9 weeks.
Total weight gain: Still seems about the same, but I don
t weigh all that often
Maternity clothes: Having trouble with some of my pants!
Sleep: Still uncomfortable and waking up often. I also get really hot when I sleep. Yuck!
Stretch marks: Still nothing new. Still trying to prevent!
Best moment of the week: Telling more friends. I love the reactions!
Miss anything: Sleeping well and being able to plan meals in advance. (I never know what will sound good!)
Movement: Nothing yet
Food Craving: Boxed macaroni and cheese!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still not wanting anything sweet. Sometimes my brain does, but my stomach definitely doesn
t =/
Have you started to show yet: Still feeling pretty bloated
Gender: TBD
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on. Haven
t noticed a change yet
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy. Haven
t really noticed any mood swings.
Looking forward to: Meeting our midwife! Prenatal appointment next week and I can
t wait!

10 Weeks!
Baby Owens is the size of a prune!

How far along: 10 weeks.
Total weight gain: Still about the same
Maternity clothes: Same old. Still squeezing into the regular pants
Sleep: It varies from night to night. Some nights are great, others not so much
Stretch marks: Same
Best moment of the week: Seeing baby for the first time! Hubby cried when we heard the heartbeat =]
Miss anything: Felling not nauseated =/
Movement: Nothing yet
Food Craving: Still liking the mac
n cheese
Anything making you queasy or sick: Cereal and toast are apparently very bad things!
Have you started to show yet: Feeling fluffier every day
Gender: TBD
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Fingers don
t seem to have swollen at all
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Just really reeeeeally tired.
Looking forward to: Seeing my pregnant best buddy next week! She
s due in October and I havent seen her the entire time, but next Saturday is her baby shower! So excited!

Our sweet little manatee! Mike made the manatee comment, not me, but I can totally see it =P
 Our super awesome midwife, Katie, said that everything looks great, but baby is measuring a little smaller than they originally thought so I may not be as far along as we were anticipating. Our due date ranges from March 15th to the 25th. I'll go back in a few weeks for another ultrasound to get a better idea of where I am. But baby looks perfect! He's nestled inside that big jelly bean, head down with that one little foot sticking out and the yolk sack up top. We got a perfect profile =]

And, funny story. When we did the ultrasound, Katie forgot to clear out the information from the last patient so our pictures say that my name is Kiah Rodriguez. It definitely made me giggle, but I'm going to make sure they get it right next time!

11 Weeks!
Baby Owens is the size of a lime! They grow up so fast!
So, the jeans were bad choice for the side shot here. Oy...I'm definitely feeling like a chunky monkey. I'll be glad to leave the "has she put on a few pounds?" stage and actually start looking pregnant.

How far along: 11 weeks.
Total weight gain: I honestly haven
t weighed myself or paid much attention
Maternity clothes: Same. I keep trying to put on pants that don
t fit
Sleep: Getting better, but I can NEVER get enough
Stretch marks: I haven't been doing so good at remember the Palmer's, but luckily I haven't noticed any new developments.
Best moment of the week: Spending Saturday with my BFF! I
ve missed her so, and wish we lived closer.
Miss anything: Nothing new. Just wishing I felt better
Movement: Nothing yet
Food Craving: I
ve developed a fondness for plain bean and cheese burritos
Anything making you queasy or sick: My stomach is becoming less and less a bad way. Anything and everything can make me loose my lunch...
Have you started to show yet: I
m definitely in that shes put on a few pounds stage
Gender: Don
t know yet, but Ive had a couple dreams that it is a boy
Labor Signs: No!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Same
Happy or Moody most of the time: Getting more moody, but I think that
s mainly from being so tired
Looking forward to: Getting an official due date! Another ultrasound on the 6th to get a better idea of just how big baby is =]

There ya go, folks! Technically I am through week 12 now, but I haven't taken my pictures yet so that will have to wait a day or so. I plan to update each weekend (we'll see if that really happens!)