Saturday, February 5, 2011

He will provide

Ever since I graduated from college a year and a half ago, I have been asking God why life has to be so difficult, why I have to work at a job I hate and why my family has to suffer from my lack of income. Why did I put so much effort into being successful in college if I was just going to end up working with people who barely finished high school.

But God has a reason behind everything. I am not in this position to be punished, but to be humbled. Those same people that I would have thought less of, had I simply gone in to eat at Gatti's, have become my friends. I have experienced first hand the hurt that customers' preconceptions can cause. And I have learned to appreciate even more, my drive to do better for myself.

In early December I applied for a postion with KY Dept. of Revenue. Not thinking much of it, I mentioned it to a fellow Gatti's employee who works for Revenue also. It just so happened that she knew the hiring contact and was able to put in a good word for me. She was told I would be getting an interview and yesterday I confirmed my interview time for this coming Monday at 11am. Obviously, I am not guaranteed a job, but it's difficult enough just to get an interview with the State.

Does God put us in places for a reason? I believe He does. And I believe that He will always provide for me.


  1. Awe Good luck Anna I'll be praying for you!!

  2. what a testimony of God's faithfulness!! He is sooo good!
