Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Deals of the day!!

I recently began collecting coupons and being more conscious of store deals. I don't quite have it down yet, but here are some deals I got at Kroger today!

Cars 2 $5 for 5 Promo:
Eggo Waffles 24 pack: $3.99with KP card - $1promo = $2.99
Huggies Diapers: $8.99KP - $1promo - $2 coupon = $5.99 (that ain't bad for good quality diapers!)
2 boxes Special K Cereal Bars: $2.99KP each - $1promo each = $1.99 each
Cottonelle Bath Tissue 12 double rolls: $5.99KP - $1promo - $2 coupon = $2.99

Total Savings = $9.00!

40 oz Heinz Ketchup is on sale for $1.99 - $0.50 that doubles = $0.99!!

I saved a total of $27.61 on my whole order, which isn't amazing, but it's a start! And I'm not trying to stock pile diapers before I have a baby. I needed them for a baby shower gift!! =P

A note to my readers: It appears as if Kroger does not double store coupons. I had a $0.40 coupon for Kroger Cottage Cheese. Per Kroger's coupon policy, all coupons up to $0.50 will double (like the the ketchup), but the cottage cheese coupon did not double. I'm not quite bold enough to challenge the register at this point, but I will be calling Kroger to check on that.

I also have 4 coupons for 1 FREE can of Seattle's Best Coffee drinks. The coupon reads: "One coupons per purchase." I'm not sure if this means 1 per item or 1 per transaction. Kroger didn't even have these drinks so I didn't check, but I will be checking on that with Kroger and Wal-mart.


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