Sunday, December 9, 2012

Weeks 23 through 25!

So, this is a lot more difficult to keep up with than I had originally thought. I do ok with the pictures and everything, but actually getting them posted is a whole different ballgame. Thanks for sticking with me!

23 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a spaghetti squash! I didn't get a belly picture thins week.
How far along: 23 weeks.
Total weight gain: I can tell it's going up!
Maternity clothes: They're becoming more of a necessity at this point, but I can still squeeze into some of my normal pants

Sleep: Bought a Snoogle when we were at Babies R Us. Hopefully it will make things more comfortable.
Stretch marks: They're definitely there
Best moment of the week: Spending Saturday in Lexington with hubby registering. It was so fun, and kind of surreal!

Miss anything: Not missing anything at the moment

Movement: Getting wigglier every day! I'm even detecting some daily patterns.

Food Craving: Still nothing specific. I'm beginning to think that won't really happen for me.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Only when I haven't eaten recently enough.

Have you started to show yet: Getting there.

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Emotions are sometimes a little heightened, but nothing out of control
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving next week! It's my favorite holiday!

24 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of an ear of corn!
 How far along: 24 weeks.
Total weight gain: I probably gained 10 pounds from Thanksgiving food alone!
Maternity clothes: Wore my BeBand for the first time to make my regular pants last a little longer. I like it, I think.

Sleep: I haven't quite mastered the Snoogle, but I think it will help
Stretch marks: Getting stretchier all the time.
Best moment of the week: Celebrating Thanksgiving with my extended family! We only get to see them once a year, so it's a pretty big deal.

Miss anything: Can't say that I am

Movement: I love it so much!

Food Craving: I've eaten pretty much everything I've come across this week =P
Anything making you queasy or sick: Feeling good

Have you started to show yet: It depends on the day, but she still seems to like to be close to my spine

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been pretty happy this week, but I was definitely in need of a little vacation
Looking forward to: Our next appointment next week! I have a whole list of questions to ask our midwife about the birth. 

25 Weeks!

Baby Owens is the size of a cauliflower!
 How far along: 25 weeks.
Total weight gain: According to my most recent weigh in, I'm up about 8 pounds from my last visit!
Maternity clothes: I'm now to the point where I can't wear my regular pants without the BeBand and I pretty much live in sweats at home.

Sleep: I've created a pillow fortress for myself and it seems to be helping =P
Stretch marks: As you can see, I definitely have them. Unfortunately, I'm not going to have the beautiful smooth prego belly, but I can appreciate it.
Best moment of the week: Hearing that heart beat again! 145 bpm

Miss anything: Not having to worry about peeing when I sneeze, maybe?

Movement: Oh yes! I'm beginning to be able to see and feel it from the outside. I keep trying to get hubby to catch it, but he hasn't been able to yet.

Food Craving: Still nothing
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the idea of how fast this all seems to be going!

Have you started to show yet: More and more! Is it weird that I want to have a big huge belly?

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: No way!
Belly button in or out: Still in.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think frustration is the main thing that I notice more of.
Looking forward to: Getting the crib! We ordered it the other day and just have to wait for it to be delivered to the store. Also looking forward to getting into the Christmas spirit! We should be putting out tree up soon!

I've been thinking about labor and delivery quite a bit lately, and I guess I must be weird because it's actually something I'm excited about. I know it's going to be the most painful thing I've ever felt, but at this point I have no fear about it. I'm excited to go through the process that will bring my daughter into the world!